People are not always as outspoken as they should be when it comes to protecting their sexual health. Before engaging in sexual activities with a new partner, it is always a good idea to ask about their sexual history and to ask that they are tested as well. Although you might be careful to avoid high-risk sexual activities, your new partner may not.
You have the right to make informed decisions about whether or not you wish to expose yourself to everything that a new, prospective partner may have potentially exposed his or her self too.
The good news is that testing does not have to be a long, drawn out or embarrassing partner. In fact, you and your significant other can use at home test kits STDs together.
Countless couples are using these products as a fun and convenient way to learn more about themselves and each other, before taking their relationships to the next level. With these products, you simply collect the necessary samples at home, ship these off to a participating lab, and then check your result online.