Check for Paint – When you feel that you have been hit, check for the paint. If there is no paint on you, you are not out. Paintballs can graze you, bump you, bounce off you, and fail to pop. No paint, no kill. Paint spots that are smaller than a quarter usually do not count.
Use A Periscope – If possible, use a periscope to look around and over barriers that you are using for cover.
Hide Your Whole Body – Make sure your knees, feet, and elbows are not sticking out from your hiding place. Also, check to see if you are casting a shadow. Make sure your gear is not sticking out either.
Stay Low – make yourself as small a target as you possibly can.
Be Aware of Your Surroundings – Listen for noises. Look for shadows. Be aware of where your team members are so you do not accidentally shot them. Don’t just look ahead; look behind you and to the sides as well.
Be Prepared – Always hold your gun like you are about to fire. As long as you are sure your target is not a team member, shoot first and ask questions later. However, you should be aware that firing your gun might give away your position.
Work As A Team – Plan your team strategy before the game starts and work together to win the game. Work out hand signals, signal sounds, and signal words. Use radio headsets to keep in contact.
Know The Rules – Different fields may have different rules of play. Make sure you know the rules before the game starts.
Have A Good Attitude – Things will not always go your way. Keep a good attitude anyway, and practice good sportsmanship. Do not try to cheat by wiping the paint off if you are hit.
Don’t Waste Paint – Hosing an area or a barrier in the hopes of hitting the enemy is a waste of paint. Save the paint and take clean shots.
Know Your Guns Range – You will waste a lot of paint shooting at targets that are out of range. Either move closer to the target, or wait for the target to move closer to you.
Being Too Careful Can Get You “Killed” – Be cautious, but not overly cautious. Go with your gut instinct.
Practice Makes Perfect – Buy cheap paintballs and practice hitting a variety of targets before getting in a game, and between games. Practice with a friend and take turns at being a moving target.
Work Your Way Up – If you are new to the game, try to play and learn with other new players. It will not be fun to play if you are eliminated in the first five minutes every time because you are playing with professional paintballers. Work your way up. Find many more useful tips on – paintball portal.