LUMINAS Relief patches are charged with the electron, which releases the healing energy of light.
The patches are designed to apply directly to the skin and deliver a soothing, relaxing effect that can help ease pain and discomfort.
The patches work by transferring energy from one side of your body to the other. This energy helps promote relaxation and a sense of calmness within your body, helping you relax and unwind. The patches are designed to be applied directly to the skin. You can apply them to any area of your body that is experiencing pain, discomfort, or tension. You can also use the patches on sore muscles and joints as well as areas of inflammation such as bruises or sprains.
The patches work on all levels of the body and can be used to relieve a variety of symptoms, including:
- Back pain
- Headaches (including migraines)
- Neck pain
- Muscle tension and spasms
- Joint pain
- Arthritis symptoms
The patches have a special shape that allows the conductive material to be placed in contact with the skin for maximum benefit. These pain patches are designed for pain relief and can be used on any part of the body.
When worn over an area of pain, they will release a small amount of electricity into your body which can help reduce pain. They are particularly effective at eliminating chronic pain.The patches are very easy to use. Simply clean the area of skin where you want to apply the patch, peel off the backing and press firmly into place. You can wear it for as little or as long as you need.
When using the patches, you will notice that your pain levels start to drop within minutes of putting them on. You can leave them in place for as long as 24 hours before removing them and replacing with new patches. If you want to use the patches for more than 24 hours, simply leave them on until they begin to fall off by themselves.