How to Go About Conducting a Patent Search

You can perform a patent search for any prior art. If you wonder what prior art is, then it is actually something that refers to your knowledge which will relate to your actual invention. This includes any previous trade journal articles, patents and publications which aren’t only limited to catalogues and data books. It also pertains to trade shows, public discussions or sales or public use all over the world.

As already stated the search for prior art will help you to prove that the non obvious and novel conditions which will be required for the patent to be issued to you. You will need to search through different databases to see if your idea for a patent has already been patented. This will let you know if you are able to actually patent your idea.

If the patent search is conducted properly you will know if there is anything similar, identical or at least partially similar to your invention to the one you intend to patent as explained in this article on

Other benefits to viewing previous patents will help you to actually write your own patent application that much better as well as to understand your competition. It will also help you to learn more about your invention’s field.

You should probably also list any prospective patent assignees which you come across as listed on some of the patents that you will be examining as part of your patent search. These might actually be available for licensing patents in your patent’s field.

You can do the search yourself, or hire someone professional like InventHelp company or a patent attorney to do the search before investing in this patent registration for you. For beginners it is highly advisable to actually hire someone to do the search for you. This will ensure that an experienced person will take care of the search and produce the best results. You don’t want to be into your patent registration only to find out that you indeed are not able to patent your invention.

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